2026 Chubb Bermuda Triangle Challenge – January 16-18, 2026

Want to be part of the excitement of the 2026 Chubb Bermuda Triangle Challenge weekend, but not interested in running? Or do you know of a student who needs to fulfill community service hours for school? Either way, we have you covered! The success of the Chubb Bermuda Triangle Challenge depends, in large part, upon the dedication of volunteers and the excitement they bring to each event.

2026 Chubb Bermuda Triangle Challenge volunteer opportunities will be posted in the fall!

2026 Chubb Bermuda Triangle Challenge Volunteer Benefits

We are thrilled to offer the following benefits to all Chubb Bermuda Triangle Challenge volunteers to recognize your hard work in helping to make the event a success:

  • A 2026 Chubb Bermuda Triangle Challenge t-shirt;
  • A 2026 Chubb Bermuda Triangle Challenge jacket;
  • A Volunteer Appreciation Party to be held at Goslings Wine Cellar. Invitations will be sent out after the 2026 Chubb Bermuda Triangle Challenge race weekend. Please note that this event will be for adults only;
  • Raffle draws eligible to those that volunteer at least one spot over the race weekend. The raffle draw will be done after the 2026 Chubb Bermuda Triangle Challenge race weekend (to verify attendance) and include a variety of raffle prizes. Raffle prizes include:
    • 2 round-trip tickets on BermudAir to any of their in-network flight locations;
    • $50 dining vouchers, courtesy of the tremendous support from our friends at MEF, to be raffled out to those that volunteer at least one spot over the race weekend; and
    • $100 dining vouchers, again courtesy of MEF, to be raffled out to those who volunteer more than one spot over the race weekend.
  • There will also be loads of other raffle prizes for those who volunteer.

In addition, for schools, we are pleased to offer the following:

  • Community service hours for pupils; and
  • Donation opportunities for schools that provide significant volunteer resources.

QUESTIONS:  Contact us at [email protected]

Who volunteered with us in 2025?

We’ve crunched the numbers and a record 700 volunteers supported us at the Expo and number pick up, coordinating participant shuttles to/from race events, working as road marshals, handing out medals at finish lines, serving as greeters at the finish festivals and more!

These volunteers pitched in over the course of the 3-day Chubb Bermuda Triangle Challenge weekend to help make it a success, including:

  • Individuals from the community volunteering at 20 water stops during Saturday and Sunday.

  • Students, teachers and parents from 7 schools volunteered at 10 water stops: Sandys Secondary, Port Royal Primary, Saltus Grammar School, Warwick Academy, Harrington Sound Primary, Whitney Institute Middle School, and West Pembroke Primary

  • 10 community groups had volunteers at 8 water stops: Sandys Parish Council, Pilot Gig Club Boaz Island, Bermuda Red Cross, Bermuda Public Service Union, Bermuda Musical & Drama Society, Pembroke Rotary Club, Hamilton Lions Club, and the late Clarence Smith & Family (thanks to Dorann Simons for overseeing the water stop this year).

  • 2 of our sponsors had volunteers at 2 water stops: Zurich and PwC Bermuda

  • 2 of our sponsors helped at finish lines: Volunteers from Butterfield Bank assisted at the Butterfield Mile on Friday, while volunteers from BF&M helped ats the finish lines of the BF&M 10k run/walk and the BF&M 5k run/walk on Saturday
  • 1 sponsor had volunteers assisting with Expo preparation and setup: Global Atlantic Re