2026 Chubb Bermuda Triangle Challenge – January 16-18, 2026
Shuttle Passes & Event Transportation
To make transportation to Chubb Bermuda Triangle Challenge events more convenient, shuttle passes will be available in the coming months from our partner hotels to the Expo & Number Pick-Up, Pre-Race Pasta Dinner, and all of the Weekend’s Races and Finish Festivals.
This page will be updated with information as transportation plans are finalized, and information will also be sent out via our social media accounts (@bermudatrianglechallenge on FB and IG) and e-newsletters to registered participants.
If you are participating in the PwC Bermuda Marathon, please see the note about the FREE ferry to the start at the bottom of this page.
Race Transportation: Ferry to the Royal Naval Dockyard (for PwC Bermuda Marathon Runners)
A FREE ferry will depart at 5:30 am from the Ferry Terminal in Hamilton on Sunday, January 19th to bring marathon runners to the start of the race in the Royal Naval Dockyard. We highly recommend that ALL marathon participants use this method of transportation to ensure a timely arrival at the start village. No additional tickets are required for this ferry – your race bib is your ticket.
The Ferry Terminal is approximately a 10-minute walk from the Hamilton Princess (see map below)

For all transportation-related questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on WhatsApp at 441-505-6392
Terms & Conditions: Shuttle passes are non-transferrable and non-refundable. Due to fixed scheduling and the limited availability of buses, passes will be non-transferrable to other departures. Shuttle buses will leave at the specified time; there will be no refunds for any missed trips. Shuttle users must provide their pre-purchased passes to the Transport Crew member in order to board any bus. Please arrive at the designated pick up point approximately 15 minutes before scheduled departure time.